so i recently got my first vibrator and i tried to use it but like it didnt seem to fit inside of me ??? Im a virgin so i have no idea what i was doing and it just hurt and was generally uncomfortable. I didnt even get it half in! Any tips or something?

Okay, so, firstly well done on buying a vibe.

While you can use them inside you, they are mostly used on the outside, on your clitoris. yep, even the ones that look like cocks or the ones that are classic vibrator shaped:

They’re that shape because yes, you CAN use them inside you, and it can be nice to fuck something that’s safe to put inside and a bit bigger than the hairbrush or fingers most start with. But even though it’s so phallic, it’s still mostly used pressed against your clitoris (google that it you’re not sure where to find it, but it’s the bit that feels great when you rub it).

So okay, when you are using it vaginally, it’s going to be tight at first. The vagina is about as close to magic as bits of the human body come. That tight little hole is also able to fit big fat cocks in it and also get babies out of it. But all that takes some time to work up to. And most importantly, if you’ve not played up there much or at all, you’ve got a hymen in the way. 

Not sure how that all works, read up on my hymen tab:

As described there, your hymen will stretch, and also your vaginal muscles will relax as you play more, and you really do want to play more, let me tell you. Not only can your vagina do all that cool stuff, but it feels amazing when you play in there. That’s mostly the G-spot, which is located kind of the far side of your clitoris, just out of reach of your fingers if you’re playing with yourself (see God does have a sense of humour) but just perfectly in reach if someone else plays there or you put in a brush or a vibe like this. Actually, vibes like the one above aren’t brilliant for it because the g-spot is kind of in and UP a bit, on your tummy side, so that’s why you’ll see lots of vibrators and dildos that are curved, because they get there much better.

Stats show only about a third of women ever learn to come from just vaginal stimulation, from just fucking, or using a dildo, without stimulating their clit. Now my theory is that’s simply because so few are ever taught or encouraged to play in there. Most of the women I do some teaching and training with learn to orgasm just from playing with their g-spot. It takes a bit of time and practise but it’s more like 80% who actually try and give it a proper go.

The other key when you’re new to all this, OP, is lube. Either you need to have been playing with your clit and edging and got very, VERY wet before you try vaginal penetration with anything bigger than your finger, or you need to invest in some basic lube, and just a squirt of that will make everything feel 100 times better instantly, Seriously, if I could take one sex aid to a desert island, it’d be a bottle of lube

Lovehoney have a 20% off if you buy two lubes deal at the moment so check out all the different types and read their reviews and invest in

Lovehoney Lubes – Check them out here…

So in summary, OP, focus on using the vibe on your clit, that’s where most do, but do keep exploring, as you get hornier and wetter, using it inside you too to explore how being fucked feels, and also seeing if you can get those vibrations up onto your g-spot. Oh yes, and you’ll know you get it as it’ll feel good but also, you’ll have the urge to pee mostly. That’s totally normal, and it passes, don’t let it put you off. It’s not that you need to pee (just pee before and you’ll realise that’s true as your bladder is empty) but it’s you starting to build up the ‘female ejaculate’ that women squirt, because yes they do too, read up on that too, it’s cool!

I hope that helps, 


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