
My last orgasm

I’m so happy I am allowed to cum today. It feels so good, and i wish I could always cum, but my mind doesn’t work like that.

A few days ago, I begged him to be nice to me and let me cum, and he said no. “You don’t want nice”, he said. “Nice doesn’t soak your panties or make your heart race. Nice doesn’t make that ever widening hole between your legs ache to be used. Nice doesn’t turn you on. Does it, fucktoy?”

And I swooned. “No Sir,”

“Tell me what you asked for.”

“I asked you to be cruel, Sir.”

“Do you still want that?”

“Yes, Sir…”

So I didn’t cum.

But today, I can. Today I press my vibrator against my clit and I don’t stop. Today I cum hard and loud, and I am grateful and I am satisfied.

Tomorrow JuNO starts. It was positively revolutionary last year, so I am very excited to do it again. I have more experience now, but I am still nervous: I don’t actually have a very good edging routine, and I have quite a lot of ruins. This month, I will try to follow the rules.

This month I want to work on my confidence. I want to feel more comfortable in my skin again, more pleased with my body, more peaceful in my soul. This month I want to find satisfaction in denial and submission. I want to experiment a bit more with dressing up and forcing myself to edge in the mirror. I want to feel happy, horny, desperate and owned.

These are all huge goals. And i am nervous. But so, so excited.

Let’s do this. I’m a denial slut. I promise not to cum for 30 days. X

Her last orgasm…

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