Cococun-t really is fucked… she’s given me control of her orgasms, and I’ve told her she won’t be cumming in 2016.

Check out her delightfully exhibitionist blog, and we’ll keep you posted here with regular updates on just how brutally I can deny her wet little cunt… all. fucking. year.

If you’re wanting to try something longer term watch this space. I’ll be starting a little challenge in the next week or so to let you try denial and have some competition with other denial sluts to give you more of an incentive to go longer.

Also, if you’re wanting to try denial for just a few days, ‘get your feet wet’ as they say (yeah, has a different meaning to it when you’re denied, doesn’t it!) then I’ll be putting together a ‘three day denial’ task that you can go through step by step.

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