Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

James I just had to tell you this, I’m not normally a big denial slut. I’ll generally just get a hard edge or two before cumming hard but today I took some rx amphetamines and I’ve been masturbating and on the edge for over an hour, I’ve got a vibe in my pussy and another on my clit and I can’t cum no matter how hard I try. It’s so fucking infuriating and intoxicating. I can’t stop.

Well isn’t that interesting. I didn’t know they had that effect. Do you think the […]

Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

Hi James! So I was wondering if you could offer a suggestion for me. I have had two separate wand vibrators (one from Lovehoney and the other a body wand brand) but neither were very stimulating for me. I could feel the vibrations, but I would hardly get aroused from it. I’ve always fantasized about getting a hitachi magic wand, but I’m worried that it’ll be the same situation with a more expensive toy. Any thoughts?

Lots of sex toys questions, is Black Friday getting you all out looking?! As long […]

Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

Hi James.. I am 21 this year.. and have never came before. I found your blog a while ago and have been a big fan ever since. I would rub my clit or use my dildo on myself for hours, only ever getting close.. but never over the edge. In fact I think I am scared to go over the edge. Should I try to have an orgasm or just keep edging like I always have? T xx

Ohhhhh, dilemma!  You know my general advice would be to try and have an orgasm. […]

Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

I have to agree with Sage and Rey… I don’t actually think I’ve ever cum😳 I’ve never had the luck of getting a guy to do anything to my body so I’ve never had anyone else make me cum – and I genuinely think I’ve just been ruining my orgasms, because straight afterwards I am able to continue touching, even though I’m extremely sensitive! James, should I just keep ruining my orgasms or finally give myself a real one? -Alice

Hey Alice (best name for a denial slut btw) I think and hope you’re right. […]

Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

James, I’m on this new medication that makes it really hard to orgasm, it makes it hard to even edge, but it doesn’t stop me from being ridiculously horny most of the time. When I try to cum, it takes forever, so I usually just give up. I’m rolling with it; it’s kind of fun. Just wanted to tell you about it, lol; thought you’d enjoy. -b

Thanks B, Thousands of horny women just asked ‘Oh can I get some, what’s it called?’ […]

Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

I have a sexual dysfunction disorder and I’ve never come. I’m not even sure I can come. Eventually I went to my doctor about it, got sent to a sex doctors (yes, an actual sex doctor, those exist now) and she told me to stop focusing on trying to orgasm. Just focus on pleasure. So I’m to send a week basically trying to edge every day. That’s how I found your blog yesterday! Maybe I’ll do the Advent Denial Calendar? Anyway, thanks James! – Samantha

Hey Samantha, So I don’t know how much you’ve been reading the blog but when […]

Blog Post, Female Orgasm Denial

I have a fear around orgasms, mostly due to high trauma, and I always hated it and thought I was going to be thought as broken by every guy I ever met. Thing is I have a high libido and I love to please my partner. I just wanted to say thanks because finding your blog made me stop thinking of myself as “broken” and helped a lot with my self-esteem. :D

That’s wonderful feedback, thank you for sharing!  You absolutely aren’t ‘broken’. We all have experiences, positive […]