I can’t tell who’s more frustrated. Me from not cumming for a month or you from how fucked Tumblr is acting.

Well I can double up on that. So there!

I stupidly (it’s actually been super hot), offered my wife that she could lock up my cock for as long as she likes as a gift (I know I’m so romantic but it was cheaper than flowers). But really, she loves how horny it gets me and I get super dom and mean (when I’m not crying myself to sleep).

So anyway, there I was thinking ‘ahh she’ll pick like a week, maybe a bit more if she’s really feeling switchy.’

‘How about until our anniversary?’ she suggests after a few days thinking about it.

Our anniversary is FUCKING AUGUST.

So yeah, that happened. And honestly, it was so hot she stepped out of her comfort zone that much, and well I like a challenge. 

I get out regularly for edging and sucking and fucking and actually a few ruins because who knew balls could ache THAT much. But damn fuck it, I am not going to lose this battle! 

So I was right in the trenches with you…

So yeah, I did JuNo too, therefore…

But I’m not listening to these guys again.

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