Hey Natalie, thanks for such a practical question, 

As a dad I feel your pain, when ours were that age our sex life took a massive hit, and partly that’s just the reality of life isn’t it, they will take everything we can give them and more! Thankfully it does get easier, I promise! 

So sex wise, it’s going to be a compromise and honestly once a day is absolutely great if that’s what you can fit in. I’d suggest trying two though, try for a quickie as you wake up (if their schedule allows) or maybe in the shower – a waterproof vibe can be a godsend. And then, again depending on the kids, if you get some quiet time try a longer, more relaxing one in the evening – again, bath is as good as bed!

Can I also add a tip on the single most useful item you can add to your house – a secure lock on your bedroom door. You just want to totally remove any worry about them walking in on you in flagrante, so add either a key lock or just a simple slide bar, and you can enjoy your edges to full abandon!

In general the advent calendar is just ideas, so tweak them as fits you, and don’t forget even a real quickie, a minute or two rubbing or vibing can stretch the fun through the day, it doesn’t have to be a major session each time!

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