
The build back up after cumming from a long denial seems to be getting faster. It used to take many days before I’d really start feeling it again. Now, the build up is so much faster.

On Day 2, my morning edge was lazy and relaxing. It felt good and I let my mind drift to lovely things. I was told to hump the arm of my couch that afternoon, and I could feel his eyes on me, even though he isn’t here right now. He had me go to bed early that night, where I had 4 more edges… or was it 5. There’s a point where I lose track. We played with the eStim, my mind having trouble at first, but at one point, with it up higher than I’d have put it, pulsing in my cunt, the vibe on my clit pushed me pasty that point into the place where everything feels like pleasure, and my final edge sad with it pulsing away, making my pussy muscles clench around it. I went to sleep dripping and horny.

On Day 3 I overslept a bit, so couldn’t do my morning edge. Last night, he pushed me with soft edges while holding a vibe to my clit. Forced to hold back from an actual edge for what felt like hours. In reality my 3 edges happened over the course of about an hour. During one of my edges, I did the day 3 task of telling a friend. He’s a Dom friend, so wouldn’t be joining in, but commented on it and already follows my blog here. After I had come down from the last one, he allowed me the privilege of one actual edge. My finger went so happily and eagerly to my clit and stroked around in the wetness until my hips bucked and my legs started to shake.

As I stopped and came down from the edge, I realized how good it feels to be there. To feel the pulsing pleasure of almost cumming, the luxurious fall from it knowing I’m still wet and horny. Just writing about it now makes me want to edge again. Well, it is time for my morning edge…

LOL I love it

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