Thanks anon, and good work on that denial!

It amazes me how many people don’t realise what a source of pleasure their nipples are. 

There are some for whom it does nothing, but in my experience for the majority they are very sexually stimulating, at the very least once turned on, but for many, me included, from the outset. 

If my wife’s hornier than I am then her usual solution is just to slip up behind me and play with them and bingo, ready to go.

In terms of edging, as you’ve discovered their sensitivity will often increase with time. But also try the ‘breast build up’ playing with them until your pussy is aching with need, and then giving your whole breasts a good hard squeeze. You can get a wonderful sexual rush from it.

It’s also why my definition of ‘no touch’ doesn’t include breast or nipple play, because it tends to only make things worse. When that feels too good you can always have ‘Strict no touch’ which doesn’t even let you do that…

If you haven’t, try it with some massage oil or lube, or even saliva. The pinching of your nipples between finger and thumb, and pulling it until they slip off is an amazing sensation when they are slippery ‘milking’ them. It’s similar to having someone else suck them, or, well if you’re blessed with larger breasts, you can always do that to yourself of course.

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