Hello little miss squirt… so, were you a bit tipsy when you wrote this?

Congratulations on your discovery. You describe it really well, it IS different from pee, silky is the best description because it’s lube, basically, like a guy’s precum only thinner – it’s to make it easier to get fucked.

I’d suggest you can do it when you’re not drunk, it’s probably not about the fact you can’t feel yourself cumming (although that’s got some interesting potential) it’s the extended stimulation and the loss of inhibition.

Ejaculate comes out of your peehole, and that is a very weird thought for many. And in most cases it requires a deliberate letting go that we’re trained not to do from the time we can walk.

So try going to the loo before a session, so you know your bladder’s pretty empty, have an extended edging and fucking session, and you should feel the need to pee growing. If you’re lying on a towel, or in the shower, then just go for it, give a little push, you can squirt without cumming, but it might take you over too. 

You don’t have to be drunk, and this time you might even feel it!

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