Hi James, I’m the person who until recently ran the blog “deniedandedginggirls”.  I wanted to share with you a thought I had the other day. I was watching Goldeneye (the James Bond film) and I was listening to the soundtrack in the opening credits. Am I the only one who thinks that the entire song is about a woman who was rejected by bond years ago and now yearns to lock him in chastity and keep him as a slave?  I know male chastity isn’t your theme, but I had to share this thought with someone!

Holy shit, it totally is!

See reflections on the water
More than darkness in the depths
See him surface in every shadow
On the wind I feel his breath

Goldeneye I found his weakness
Goldeneye he’ll do what I please

Goldeneye no time for sweetness
But a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees

You’ll never know how I watched you
From the shadows as a child
You’ll never know how it feels to be the one
Who’s left behind
You’ll never know the days, the nights,
The tears, the tears I’ve cried
But now my time has come
And time, time is not on your side

See him move through smoke and mirrors
Feel his presence in the crowd
Other girls they gather around him
If I had him I wouldn’t let him out

Goldeneye not lace or leather
Golden chains take him to the spot
Goldeneye I’ll show him forever
It’ll take forever to see
What I’ve got

You’ll never know how I watched you
From the shadows as a child
You’ll never know how it feels to get so close
And be denied
It’s a gold and honey trap

I’ve got for you tonight
Revenge it’s a kiss, this time I won’t miss
Now I’ve got you in my sights
With a goldeneye, golden, goldeneye
With a goldeneye, goldeneye

My emphasis added.

The whole video is full of a caged leopard too, awesomeness!

Given it’s the film with one of the best ever Bond Villanesses, Xenia Onatopp, in too, it all adds up!


Guess who’s the keyholder here?

I lost your key in the jungle, so there!

They must have been thinking of this when they wrote the song…


Yes, you can get a gold ‘special edition’ cock cage. Dammit, now I want one. Chastity Bling, who knew…

PS Sad to hear it’s a former blog, I liked it!

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