As I’m sure you’ve all seen, Tumblr’s given all NSFW two weeks to abandon ship. I’m sad, mad and not at all surprised.

Ever since Yahoo sold Tumblr I’ve been quietly preparing for this over the last year. So while it’ll involve a bit of effort for us all, let’s see this as a new opportunity to spread the edging message!

Thanks for all the many messages of support and concern, I love you all.

Here’s the plan

The big change I made in preparation for this is that I control the domain for this blog – and while it currently redirects to Tumblr, by 17th December it’ll be a WordPress blog and be the main place I continue to post my content.

I’ll be importing lots of my old posts in there too, and putting them in a bit more of a useful structure. As to how much actual porn I can get in there, it’ll depend on the host but my writing will live on!

As far as I can see Tumblr will be hiding my posts with boobs and bits in (according to this but the actual blog will still remain (for now) so this isn’t going to disappear. Unless having the word ‘orgasm’ in the title offends the Tumblr gods, yeah okay, that might happen.

I’m also going to create a Discord Server for us all to join and become one happy, edging, community. It might be that other social media options emerge as I do a bit more research this week but Discord is the obvious NSFW friendly one for now. Watch this space

Want to continue to read my content…

  1. Follow my Edging Space Twitter as a new social media communication channel: that’ll be my back up way of getting in contact and I’ll start posting there regularly
  2. Bookmark my blog url – and start visiting it directly
  3. FOLLOW this blog if you don’t already. I know that sounds counter intuitive but I’d guess you may not be able to follow NSFW blogs once this shit kicks off, and it might be the only way you can view it if you’ve followed it before. 
  4. Reblog the shit out of this post and watch this space for more info
  5. Keep on edging and do not despair. This is the start of something wonderful.

Help wanted

1. If we set up a Discord server that’s a lot of work, if you have experience being a community mod, especially of a Discord server, and would like to help, message me.

2. I’m pretty competent with WordPress but if any of you are a wizard with it (especially getting a theme customised and structure working) and might lend a hand getting the site up and running in the short time we have, that’d be most appreciated. Again, message me. Ta very much.

With love and kinky hugs,


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