

(268) K. Is Answering:

  1. How old are you?

  2. What’s your sexual orientation?

  3. Your pubic hair?

  4. Are you virgin?

  5. How old were you when you first masturbated?
    Probably 5 but I didn’t know I was masturbating

  6. How did you discover masturbation?
    I found out when I was about 12, from some guy at school

  7. How often do you masturbate?
    Almost everyday

  8. When was the last time you masturbated?
    Last night

  9. Do you masturbate to any stimulus?
    Not really, but some movie scenes will sometimes remind me of how I used to masturbate to a particular movie scene

  10. What do you think about?
    God it can range from just someone kissing my breasts all the way to my fucked up monster sex fantasy

  11. What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?
    Riding a woman’s thigh/having someone ride mine

  12. Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)
    Actually I have not

  13. Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)
    Someone did walk in on me but they had no idea I was masturbating (I don’t know how because my vibrator was on full blast and they couldn’t hear it)

  14. Have you ever had cyber sex?
    No but I have gone on Omegle and fooled around a bit (never showed my face tho)

  15. Have you ever had phone sex?
    Nope I want too though

  16. Have you ever had a wet dream?
    Only a handful of times

  17. What’s your favorite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)
    I prefer to just use my hands but sometimes I like to use a vibrator and rarely I will want to hump a surface

  18. Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?
    I’m very quiet unless I know everyone else in the house is asleep then I’m fairly loud

  19. Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?
    Once on Omegle

  20. Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?
    Yes, my ex girlfriend and a guy friend of mine

  21. Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?
    Yeah plenty of times

  22. Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?
    Yes, my guy friend, ex girlfriend, and several other girls

  23. Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)
    Yes about 3 times, it’s a lot of fun

  24. Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?
    Yes, girls and boys

  25. Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?

  26. Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?
    I often find myself thinking about my best friend or my ex girlfriend

  27. Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?
    Fuck no

  28. Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?
    I practically tell everyone, I don’t have any shame letting others know I masturbate

  29. Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?
    Oh yeah, a lot of times. They were usually at their house or they were staying after school.

  30. What’s your most embarrassing masturbation story?
    At the age of 13 me and my family were staying at a hotel and I was incredibly horny so I took a pillow and jumped it for like 15 minutes in the bathroom, and my parents kept knocking on the door asking if I was alright, never questioning why I had a pillow with me.

  31. What’s your funniest masturbation story?
    My mom walked into my room and proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation with my vibrator on full blast somehow never hearing it.

  32. Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places?
    Sometimes I can do it during class by simply crossing my legs and pulsing them together

  33. Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?
    Once I used a teddy bear (I don’t know why) and I have also used my PS4 controller

  34. Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?
    It’s pretty easy for me

  35. What’s the easiest way for you to get off?
    Reading a LOT of smut and when I can’t take it anymore i relieve myself

  36. Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)
    I can only orgasm via clitorial simulation, insertion is very uncomfortable for me.

  37. Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)
    I can get off hands free by just using my thighs, it takes much longer for me to get off that way but I can do it.

  38. Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?
    No, penetration is not for me.

  39. Do you ever suck on a dildo while you masturbate?
    I have done that to try it and it just felt weird to me.

  40. Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)
    I try to do it but I usually get caught up in the want to release and I can’t make myself stop.

  41. What position do you typically masturbate in?
    I have to be laying on my back I can’t get off any other way

  42. Describe a typical masturbation session.
    In my bed, scrolling through either pornhub or tumblr for the perfect porn video

  43. How long do you usually last?
    15-45 minutes

  44. What’s the quickest you’ve ever been brought to orgasm?
    Legit less than a minute

  45. What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had?
    2 hours

  46. What’s the most amount of times you’ve cum in a day?

  47. Do you leak fluids during or when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)
    Sometimes my juices (is that what you call it?) will come out but only when I’ve been going at it for a long time

  48. If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?

  49. Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences?

  50. Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?

Thank you so much for your answers! ❤ ️

We want to know more about the way our female followers masturbate.

So don’t be shy and fill out this form: ILFM – MASTURBATING GIRLS SURVEY. You can answer as many questions as you want. I’d love to hear from you!

If you want me to add some more questions feel free to message me.

Here you can find all survey questions and answers.

A particularly fine survey response there from ILFM

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