Blog Post

Hi! I’m pretty new to this, I’ve always known about it, but I’ve never really wanted to try it until now. I like the idea of having this constant secret of being denied always there, I guess. Anyway, I’m a female, if that’s important, but I’m having so much trouble with edging. I’m self-denying, but every time I can’t seem to stop myself from going over the edge. Do you have any tips? Thank you! Love the blog!

Thank you for the lovely ask. The answer is pretty simple. Don’t go so close […]

Blog Post

Dear James, I have fallen victim to Cal’s Curse but not in the fun way. See, I’m already physically incapable of orgasm, but because several women on your blog said it made them horny, I wanted to try (because who wouldn’t want to be horny all the time?). My problem is, it’s taken away my ability to become sexually aroused *at all.* I’m not horny, I’m bored, and I can’t even edge to relieve my boredom. Please, can you help me?

You know I would, but in just the same way that we have our lovely […]

Blog Post

Hi, James! I stumbled across your blog and I’ve never tried orgasm denial before. I’m insanely curious. I scrolled far enough to read what edging and ruining is (I think). And uhm, I’m super new and really embarrassed, but would you mind horribly giving me a task? If I like it, I want to bring the idea up with my husband, but I’m really nervous and scared. I’m also more turned on then I’ve been in a long time thanks to your blog. Please remember I’m a newbie! And thanks so much! -Elise

Hi Elise! Welcome to the wonderful world of denial. A nice simple starter, you’re just […]