I’ve put up a bunch of new content on my bdsmslr account…

The site is still full of bugs, you can only see my posts properly if you follow me then look at your dashboard (well for me anyway) and one crazy hot post ended up with about 1,000 gifs in it (seriously though, so hot i didn’t dare delete it).

A thousand of you are already following, so thanks for that. I’m going to be sending out a survey this week to ask your opinion on what I should prioritise going forward, so if you haven’t checked it out, follow me at:


so you can give your opinion.

Try it on a computer, on your phone etc, I’d love to know what you think of it, but also… how fucked up should I go there? Do you like the level of what I’m posting, do you want me to take you deeper down the rabbit hole? Maybe I should set up a second account for the really nasty stuff…

Check it out, put replies in notes too but most of all watch out for the survey coming soon as I want to make sure I’m giving as many as possible of you what you want and need.

Love you all


PS If you haven’t checked it out yet my new main site edging.space is starting to slowly take form. ALL my posts from this site are there now! AND YOU CAN FUCKING SEARCH, woo hoo!


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