The Advent Denial Challenge

The Advent Denial Challenge

#DenialDecember is here my lovely followers!

Well, you asked, and here it is again. A day by day set of tasks for you to try out!

Today’s a long one so I’m going to post it here too, but if you want to get to the tasks first you can open them, day by day at:

The Advent Denial Challenge Calendar

Welcome to the Advent Denial Challenge, 24 days of kinky tasks to keep you busy until Christmas.

An optional but highly encouraged part of this is to keep a journal of your experience. This could be just for you, or ideally, you’d make it something public so that others can learn from and enjoy your experience.

If you’re starting late, just take a few days to catch up by doing a few tasks a day.

Our objective with this challenge is FUN.

So I’m going to leave it to you to decide how seriously you take it. You might be a very experienced ‘denial slut’ or completely new to it.

So that will depend on exactly what you decide your rules are. The default rules are as follows:

  1. You are not allowed to cum without permission until Day 24 of the challenge
  2. You are to edge at least three times every day unless told otherwise
  3. If you go over the edge of climax accidentally you are to ruin the orgasm
  4. You are to record your progress daily in your denial journal

That’s it, on top of which there will be little tasks in the advent calendar each day, and sometimes they’ll lead to rewards!

Your Denial, Your Way

However, as I said, those are the default rules, that you can’t cum without permission and if you do by accident, you can ruin it.

However, if you’re new to this I suggest that you just have fun trying the tasks, don’t feel too much pressure not to cum, if you really need to, go for it, it’s okay, it really is.

If you’re an experienced denial slut however, I’d suggest more hardcore rules, that you have to edge at least four times a day, and that ANY orgasm granted before Day 24 must be ruined. Or even, you don’t take them at all. Whatever works for you.

Go deeper, keep a denial journal

To journal your Advent Denial, either use your existing Tumblr blog if it’s suitable, and add the tag #adventdenial to each post. Or if you want to keep your primary blog separate, created a secondary blog and remember to turn off ‘Show author portraits’ and that’ll mean there’s no link to your primary at all.

Or if you don’t have a tumblr blog at all, now’s your time to make one!

I’ve created a post on how to make and use a secondary blog: (God I love it that links to my own blog work again (cries a little))

So, to kick off, make a promise, say it aloud:

‘I’m joining the denial challenge’
‘I want to be a denial slut’
‘I will not cum without permission’
‘So help me James’

Now, edge yourself nice and hard, no cumming. And set up your denial journal in however you’re going to do it.

I’ll be searching for the tags to repost my favourite entries, and please feel free to message me with your Denial Journal blog address if you want me to promote it during the challenge.

Happy Advent my lovely denial sluts!


The Advent Denial Challenge Calendar

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