Wait a minute.

So you’re saying after being denied you cum faster, harder and multiple times when you couldn’t before?

And you’re worried about this, because…

This is how your message should have been, sweetie

Hey James, the GREATEST THING EVER has happened to me. Not only am I lucky enough to have a bf who denied me for three months, but now since then I can’t stop cumming. I’m cumming from about two minutes into him fucking me. And I keep on cumming. And it feels so GOOD! Thank you so much!!! I also get so turned on thinking about all the denied girls, and imagine I’m having all their orgasms.
My only worry is what do we do when he wants to deny me again, as I cum so much.
Thanks in advance!

You’re welcome anon. I’m so glad it’s done that for you. Two easy words to fix any concerns you might have. Want to guess?

That’s right.

Anal only.

Maybe you’ll learn to cum from that too…


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