
If you are familiar with the novel Anne of Green Gables by
Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, then perhaps you have wondered
what Anne would become when she grows up. Allow me to propose one
possible scenario:

“Anne, now a young and beautiful woman with a well-endowed figure, is
captured by white slavers and sold to a wealthy plantation owner in the
South. The garment she used to wear is ripped to shreds, and then used
as ropes to tie her up like a piece of ham for her owner’s
entertainment. It’s clear now that Anne will never see Gilbert again, as
she spends the rest of her miserable life scrubbing and fucking, from
one plantation to another…”

This piece was one of the many paintings I did entirely out of boredom.
Back then when I wasn’t so busy, I would do paintings like this one to
pass time. It was also a good practice on my skills.

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